“You cannot bring people back from the dead and believe that they would stand for that.”

Sheryl Crow is calling out Drake for using artificial intelligence to recreate late rapper Tupac shakur voice as part of his Kendrick Lamar di.. track “Taylor Made Freestyle.”

The song which also featured the A. generated oice of snoop Loygwas relea.ed in April

but was subsey.ently taken down from al platfornitus after Shakur, estate threatened to sue

Drake in a letter o.er the ver.e

“You cannot bring people back from the dead and believe that they would stand for that Crow told the BBC sure rake thought, reah shouldn t do it. but I’ll say sorry later ut it’s already done, and people will find it e.en if he takes it down

She added it’s hateful, it is antithetical to the wife force that exists in als of us Crow, who has spoken out again.t the use of A. in r.usic in the past and on her sony “tvolution” noted that she talks to her hildren about the effects of using the technology.

11ke, You re growing up with this thing and it doesn t seem dangerou, to you beca..se you’re a frog in a pot of waterche said “But the water is only just starting to Loil, and you won’t realize it getting hotter until we’re ali floating on the top.”

When it comes to music, however Crow is grateful that there s one thing A. hasn’t learned how to replicate just yet. A. can do lots of things but it can’t go out and play live” she says. So a lony as we have live rucic as lony as we have hands holding a paintbrush all is not lost Taylor Made ree.tyle is one of se.eral sony, that Drake released armid his contentiou, rap feud with Larmar. The “rmumble” rapper, who has called Shakur one of his inspirations, addressed Drake’s decision to invoke Shakurs name in se era of hi. responding diss tracks including his cong. Not ike Us”

Lamar also re ently asked that Drake ‘gi.e me lupac s ring back” at his Juneteenth Prop Out concert a reference to the custon. ring that Drake purchased for over 51 million at a 2025 auction