Johnny Depp has decided to appeal against Amber Heard’s recent legal victory, where she was awarded $2 million in a countersuit against him. The actor has filed a formal appeal in a bid to overturn the ruling.

The ongoing legal battle between Depp and Heard stems from their tumultuous and highly publicized divorce in 2016, which was marred by accusations of domestic violence.

Initially, it was Depp who filed a defamation lawsuit against Heard, accusing her of character assassination in a 2018 op-ed she wrote for The Washington Post.

The op-ed did not mention Depp by name, but it portrayed him as a perpetrator of domestic abuse.

However, Heard countered with her own allegations and filed a countersuit against Depp, seeking $100 million in damages for alleged domestic violence.

In August, a Virginia judge ruled in favor of Depp, dismissing his defamation case. However, the judge did not rule on Heard’s countersuit, allowing it to move forward.

In a surprising turn of events, just a few weeks ago, the same judge ruled in favor of Heard and awarded her $2 million in damages.

This occurred after Depp tried to subpoena James Franco, requesting surveillance footage from a day he claimed Heard had an affair with Franco.

The judge denied Depp’s request, stating that the alleged affair was irrelevant to the case.

Now, Depp’s legal team has lodged an appeal, seeking to challenge the ruling and have it overturned.

In their appeal, they argue that the judge’s verdict was “plainly wrong,” citing several reasons for their discontent.

They claim that Heard’s op-ed did indeed defame Depp, and that the judge made numerous errors in his decision-making process.

Depp’s appeal also asserts that the judge should have allowed the jury to decide whether or not the op-ed was defamatory.

They argue that denying Depp a trial by jury is a violation of his constitutional rights.

Additionally, they claim that the $2 million awarded to Heard is excessive and unsupported by the evidence presented.

This latest development only adds to the ever-growing complexity of the legal battle between Depp and Heard.

With Depp’s appeal now in motion, it seems that this high-profile divorce case is far from reaching its conclusion.

As the legal saga continues, the public remains avidly interested in the outcome and the potentially far-reaching implications for both parties involved.