In the midst of seemingly-endless Kanye West social media drama, Pete Davidson offered a sweet insight into Kim Kardashian as a mother. The Saturday Night Live comedian had only glowing things to say about his girlfriend’s parenting skills, as seen in an alleged text exchange between himself and West posted on Instagram by his friend Dave Sirus in a since-deleted Instagram post.
“Kim is literally the best mother I’ve ever met,” he wrote. “What she does for those kids is amazing and you are so f*cking lucky that she’s your kids mom.”
If accurate, this text message was a rare glimpse into Kardashian and Davidson’s new relationship, along with a hint at his possible involvement with her four children. The two have been fairly quiet about their courtship, though Davidson made it official in February while discussing his daily life with PEOPLE.
“Well, I don’t really have Instagram — I don’t have Instagram or Twitter or any of that stuff. So, most of my daily life is getting into cars and showing up to a set,” he said. “Or, if I’m off, I just either hang with my friends or chill with my girlfriend inside. So I don’t do much.”
The eagle-eyed interviewer asked if there was a Kim Kardashian candle behind him. “Yes, it is!” Davidson responded. “That is exactly what that is.”
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ardashian offered her own relationship reveal this week when she posted a series of photos on Instagram, two of which featured Davidson. While we are only getting snatches of insight into the couple’s dynamic, a source told PEOPLE that Davidson has been very supportive of Kardashian as a mother.
“He makes her laugh. He treats her really well. He is very understanding that Kim’s first priority is her kids,” the source said. “Kim’s impressed that Pete is really making an effort to see her.”